Monday, November 4, 2013

Penny's first night in Joshua Tree

As expected, sleep was not deep and restful last night for any of  us. Penny howled for her momma a lot last night and while I totally expected this to happen, it was quite intense to experience it through her heart-wrenching baby howls. We have provided her with plenty of food, milk formula, water, toys, a dromedary filled with hot water and bully sticks. We can't be her momma though. And we can't comfort her when she howls. She has to learn that the whining and howling is a behavior we do not approve of. This is hard, emotional work.

I spent the night thinking about everything I want her to experience in the world and thinking about how I want to teach her tricks. But I also spent a lot of the night thinking about how odd it is that we've developed this system whereby we "own" a member of another species. And I thought a lot about how amazing it is that dogs don't resent their owners for the rest of their lives for taking them away from their mother and littermates. While Penny's howls give testimony to her agony over the loss of her mom and litter mates, her wagging tail on walks around the property remind us that this too shall pass.

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