Thursday, November 7, 2013

Getting in the groove

Well, it is Day 5 with little ms. penelope and it amazes me how fast she is learning and adjusting to her new environment and the routines that we have provided for her.

This is Penny's typical schedule:
6am - outside to poop/pee in the front with a very sleepy Ethan or Steph
6:30 am - cuddle play time in the bed (absolute favorite time of day for everyone!)
7am - breakfast
7:30 - outside exploration time with Ethan while Steph exercises
8:30 - 5 - Penny settles into a routine as Steph starts work. She has her crate in the bedroom (a gate blocks her off from the rest of the bedroom and the enticing socks and sweaters to chew), her dog bed in the hallway and a pillow under Steph's desk as her "places". She freely roams between them (her favorite is under Steph's desk bc she loves her suede slippers) with Ethan or Steph taking her out for frequent pees (her bladder is so tiny it hardly lasts an hour!) and poops.
5pm - outside exploration time with Ethan or Steph
5:30pm - dinner of kibble soaked in warm milk
6pm - hang out in one of her "places" while Steph and Ethan make dinner
6pm - 9pm - evening hang out and play and cuddle session
9pm - in her crate/gated area for the night

In its more simplified version, Penny's schedule is sleep, eat, pee, poop, play, run, belly rubs, sleep, sleep, eat, etc...

Last night was our fourth night with the little girl. She made it through until 3:30am before we heard a peep from her. She was so quiet and good! Even when she started her baby howls, all we had to do was tap her crate and she went and curled up in it and eventually went back to sleep until 6am.

Ethan and I are totally in love with her and have become those parents that can't see fault in her. All we see is how much she is growing and learning and turning out to be an amazing little pup.

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