Tuesday, January 21, 2014

... Probably the best

There is not a day that goes by that does not include an exchange that goes something like this:
Steph: Penny is such a good dog.
Ethan: Yup. Probably the best.

I don't know if all first-time-as-an-adult-dog-owners have this experience, but we certainly do. We can't seem to find flaw with her. Sure, she has unique traits, character and personality, but they are never judged as good or bad, positive or negative. Her traits just make her who she is and we think she is perfect.

Penelope is no longer a baby. Yes, she is still a puppy at 19 weeks (4.5 months) but she is more of a miniature version of the dog she is going to be than pure baby.

Just a week ago, Ethan and I took her to get her last round of shots. And for the past week, its been game on. She's been to the farmer's market, on hikes, into the national park (shhh) and to a party with at least 10 other big dogs. She is loving her new life of interaction and growing more confident everyday.

But, back to this notion that she is the best, most perfect dog in the world. How can Ethan and I repeatedly think this? I've never in my life been able to non-critically look at something or someone. I've always had a "but" to accompany the "this is really good" statement. But not with Penny. She is just the best. Cute face, soulful eyes, white coat, short-haired, petite in size yet athletic, sweet as pie, smart, plays well with other dogs and doesn't chew up our stuff. Even her standoff-ish-ness has become a positive in my mind. We won't have a dog that jumps up on people inappropriately.

So, I guess its called love. It does crazy things to you. All I can say is thank you, universe, for connecting me with the perfect dog!